Freqently Asked Questions
- Choose question
Do I have to attend both Orientation AND Move-In?
Yes. We have designed these events to build on one another. We try not to duplicate sessions or information at the events, as each event has a specific mission. The intention of Orientation is to welcome you and your guests to our campus community, register for classes, and build a shared understanding of
- Academic Expectations
- Student Responsibilities
- Supporting Your Student's Transition to College
- Campus Life
This also includes time for taking care of essential business prior to August, such as
- Accessing your student MyCSC dashboard
- Registering for Classes
- FAFSA and other financial aid items
- Understanding how to pay your bill
We want you to be prepared and feel comfortable starting at Chadron State College. There are several dates to choose from, so it is our hope one will work with your schedule.
The intention of Move-In and Welcome Week is to allow you to move into your residence hall and acclimate to Eagle campus life. There are important informational sessions to prepare you for the expectations we have of Eagle students in the classroom and the campus community, tours to help you find your classes before they start, in addition to fun, social activities to get to know your peers and upper-class student leaders. This time will also connect you to your academic department and the courses you will take within your major during your time at CSC.
How do I register for a Orientation event?
You will receive an email from CSC Admissions which will allow you to sign up for a date that works for you.
Should my parents/guardians/guests attend?
Absolutely! Family members and other supportive guests benefit from the sessions as much as students, and we encourage their attendance at Orientation and at Move-In. At Move-In, there are also guest specific sessions for family members and supportive guests.
Information about changing guests will be communicated in the event communications sent to you prior to the event.
In July, you will register your guests for Move-In (if they are different than the guests your brought to Orientation).
You are charged a $100 Orientation fee to your Fall bill, which covers the cost of the Orientation and Move-In events for you and two (2) guests.
What about additional guests, siblings, children and/or friends?
You are welcome to bring a total of two guests to these events. The sessions require your full participation and may make for a long day for children.
Additional Guests: You can register additional guests, in addition to your two guests, on the Enrollment form. You will be charged $50 for each additional guest you register 10 years of age or older.
Please contact with any questions.
When are the Orientation events?
New Freshman SOAR Dates Monday, June 16, 2025 Tuesday, June 17, 2025 Wednesday, June 18, 2025 Friday, June 20, 2025 Saturday, June 21, 2025 *In observance of Juneteenth, there will be no SOAR event on Thursday, June 19, 2025. New Freshman SOAR Dates Thursday, June 24, 2025 -
When and how do I order my textbooks?
You can order your textbooks from the comfort of your own home with CSC's fully online bookstore. CSC does not have a physical bookstore on campus. A link to CSC's online bookstore can be found here: Online Bookstore. Please note, purchasing materials goes by semester, you may not be able to purchase until course materials are updated for each semester.
It is important you have your books by the first day of classes. To ensure on-time delivery, you are encouraged to order your books three to four weeks in advance.If you are ordering books after August 1, please plan to have them shipped to your address in Chadron.
REMINDER: If you plan to ship your textbooks to your CSC residence hall, you MUST use the correct mailing address. Never use 1000 Main Street. Please read the information about shipping packages to CSC or contact the CSC Mailroom. -
When/What is Move-In and Welcome Week?
Details about the next fall Move-In and Welcome Week will be published the summer before Move-In. Please check back for more information.
What should I do prior to arriving on campus?
- Make sure you can access and navigate your MyCSC and EagleMail accounts. The only place to view your financial aid, billing statements, class schedule and To Do list, is via your MyCSC account. Information about work-study, online courses and informative emails are sent to your EagleMail account only.
- Prior to Move-In, contact your roommate to get to know them and decide who is bringing what. If you have questions or concerns about Housing, please contact them directly at 308-432-6355 or visit the Housing webpage.
- Monitor your home mailbox and personal email address. We will send communications to you and your parents/guests. It is important that you read everything we send and contact us if you have questions.
- Have a plan to pay your CSC Fall Bill. Your bill will be generated in July and you must have a plan to pay it by the deadlines as stated by the Business Office.
- Make sure you can access and navigate your MyCSC and EagleMail accounts. The only place to view your financial aid, billing statements, class schedule and To Do list, is via your MyCSC account. Information about work-study, online courses and informative emails are sent to your EagleMail account only.
What do I need to know about living on campus?
- If you apply and pay the non-refundable deposit by the Early Decision deadline of April 1, you will receive placement information by the end of May.
- If you apply after April 1, you will receive placement information over the summer.
You are encouraged to contact your roommate over the summer and to get to know them before you move-in. If you get the feeling that this may not be the best roommate match, you should let the housing office know right away so they can attempt to find you a new roommate before you move-in.
For more information about housing, visit the Housing website.
What about lodging?
Parents/Guests will need to make off-campus lodging arrangements for Orientation and Move-In. You are encouraged to book your lodging early for Move-In, hotels fill up fast.
Also, you may want to consider extending your stay to take advantage of some of the outdoor activities and attractions Chadron has to offer. Check out the Hotel Information tab for more information.
Do I need to bring money?
For Orientation, you may want to bring money to check out some of the restaurants or shopping in town, as well as our CSC Game Day store on campus will be open for you to purchase CSC apparel and gifts.
Once you move in, your CSC Fall Bill needs to be paid in full or a payment plan arranged by the end of the second week of classes. You can either pay online or in person at the Business Office. Check out the Business Office website for payment plan information.
If I have specific questions during these events, will offices be open to assist me?
Most of CSC's offices are open Monday - Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During both Orientation and Move-In we provide time for you to visit with individual offices/departments to take care of specific questions/concerns. It is our goal that you leave these events having your questions answered and understanding the next steps, if necessary.
How do I register for Move-In and Welcome Week?
To register you need to have completed your Enrollment form and be enrolled for the Fall term. If you are living in the CSC Residence Halls, you must have submitted your housing reservation form and paid the non-refundable housing deposit.
These registrations will begin in late spring prior to your fall move-in.
What if I can't make it to an event or registration was closed?
We understand, life happens. You may live too far from campus to make multiple trips, may have other obligations that prevent you from attending a scheduled event, or you were late in completing the Enrollment form and registration was closed for the events. While we encourage attending in-person to fully enjoy the experience, we can still build your schedule for you. We will have a member of our Admissions team reach out to you to make sure your questions are answered before coming to campus in the fall. If you have questions as you prepare to attend CSC in the fall, please contact the Admissions office at
If plans change and you are able to attend an event, please email at least one week prior to the event date to register, if space is available.